Tip Calculator
Calculate tips and split bills easily. Get customized tip suggestions based on service quality and local customs. Perfect for dining out and group payments.
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International Tipping Guide
North America
USA & Canada: 15-20% standard, 20%+ for exceptional service
Mexico: 10-15% in restaurants
UK: 10-15% if service not included
France & Italy: Service often included, extra 5-10% for exceptional service
Japan: Tipping not customary
China: Not expected in most places
Australia & New Zealand: Not expected, 10% for exceptional service
Fascinating Tipping Facts
Historical Origins
The word "tip" originated in 1700s criminal underworld slang, meaning "to give" or "share," and not as an acronym for "To Insure Promptness" as commonly believed.
U.S. Tipping Geography
- New Hampshire residents are America's most generous tippers (17.1% average)
- Delaware leads in bar tipping (23.6% average)
- South Dakota shows the lowest average tipping rate (15.3%)
Global Tipping Culture
The United States leads globally with 31 tipping-eligible service professions, compared to 27 in Canada, 15 in the Netherlands, and just 4 in Japan.
- In Japan, tipping is considered embarrassing and can cause offense
- Switzerland abolished tipping in 1974, incorporating service charges into menu prices
Modern Tipping Trends
- Food delivery drivers receive the highest average tips (up to 30%)
- The standard tipping rate has increased to approximately 21% in 2023
- People tend to tip more when using mobile wallets
- 86% of customers prefer inputting tips themselves on iPads
Industry Insights
The federal minimum wage for tipped workers in the US is just $2.13, compared to the standard $7.25 hourly minimum wage. Total annual tips in the United States exceed $40 billion, surpassing NASA's budget.
- [1] EF GO Blog - 10 things no one tells you about tipping in the US
- [2] Upgraded Points - 40+ American Tipping Facts & Statistics
- [3] Crazy Facts - 6 Thought-Provoking Facts About Tipping Around the World
- [4] Square - 7 Interesting Findings About How (and Why) People Tip
- [5] Interesting Facts - 8 Gratuitous Facts About Tipping
- [10] Upworthy - The uncomfortable truth about tipping
- [13] BBC - How to tip around the world